One of my passions is developing and delivering customized soft-skills training for companies who wish to invest in the skills development of their newly appointed mid-level managers and/or team leads.

The defined areas for personal development aim to support people, aspiring for leadership positions and help start building the core skills needed to for these individuals to grow within their career aspirations.

The training will be adapted to address the real-life cases people face and tackle real business specific cases.


“Високата ангажираност, отдаденост и личната отговорност на лектора, вложеното старание и отдаденото внимание на всеки един. Предразполагащата среда и привлечения интерес през цялото време.”

“Желанието, с което водеше обучението, добрата енергия, с която ни зареждаше и вниманието, което бе отделено на всяка една от нас.”

“Останах впечатлена от лекотата и адаптивността на лектора. Много полезни бяха съветите на Надя и личният й пример в определени ситуации. Радвам се, че успяхме да осъществим тази среща.”

“Подхода и отношението на Надя към нас, факта че подхождаше към всеки индивидуално, на база личните качества на всеки участваш.”

Leading by Example. Become the role model you aspire to be. (~ 75 min)

This topic aims are to define what a good role-model is and how one can lead by example in light with the company’s Core Values. After the session participants will define what behaviour and attitude they want to develop to step up in the shoes of a role-model for the team. The training covers the following aspects:

  • Understanding the Importance of Role Modeling
  • Skills and Behaviors that Define a Good Role-Model
  • Setting Personal Examples
  • Communicating Expectations
  • Action Planning and Commitment

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Taking Ownership and Staying Accountable (~ 75 min)

To take ownership at work means to be proactive in your job role and to understand the purpose of your job duties in achieving larger company goals. Participants will understand how overall ownership affects behavior and see how they can capture ownership in the work they do.

The session covers the 4 maturity stages of ownership and explores how one can build habits to move from one maturity level to another. Participants will learn key elements in how they can stimulate ownership and accountability in others in a positive and constructive way.

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The Art of Presentation (~ 120 min)

This session will leverage some tips around precise presentation and how to get a message across concisely. Participants will learn how to draft a good presentation and how to deliver it. The course touches also on a technique on how to present a topic in a storytelling format within 20 slides for 20 seconds of commentary of each. The goal is to be able to deliver your message without diluting the topic and focusing on what is important.

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Delegating with Confidence (~ 60 – 90 min)

To delegate properly, team leaders should ensure that all team members are properly trained; ignore whining; establish deadlines; schedule follow-up meetings; communicate fully; and, possibly, use discipline. Delegation is a win-win when done appropriately. However, that does not mean that one can delegate just anything. The session reviews tips and suggestions to determine when delegation is most appropriate. There will be use cases to discuss and encourage participants to bring up their own experience around good vs bad delegation.

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Giving and Taking Feedback (~ 60 – 90 min)

For many of us the most difficult conversations to have are those concerned with giving and receiving feedback. We subtly give feedback every time we talk to someone – whether it is with our own words or with our behavior we demonstrate. This session touches on what elements one needs to pay attention to when feedback is needed, consider some of the guiding principles around giving feedback and how to handle it with care for a positive outcome.

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Personality Parts and How Do We Communicate Effectively Among Us
(~ 120 min)

We all want to be the best we can and enable others to thrive. And we all want to overcome the irritations, setbacks and miscommunication that often stand in our way. As a team, organization leader, teacher, parent, life partner, and just as a human being, we can all learn to decode human behavior, speak each other’s language, and build better relationships.

This session covers some basic understanding of the Process Communication Model® – the premier tool for decoding human interactions. It differentiates among six personality types, where each type has its own strengths and preferences for dealing with. Participants get to understand what language, behavior and signs of distress underpin each of the 6 personality types and be aware how they need to adjust in order to have a win-win relationship.

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Precision Questioning and Precision Answering (~ 60 – 90 min)

In conversation, a question is an invitation from one person to another to share information or opinion with others. Different types of questions (such as open or closed) can be viewed simply as sending different invitations. This session focuses on the type of questions one asks and how the question is structured, what precisely is being asked, and how usually questions are being interpreted. The type of question asked, and the choice of words affects the answer one will hear.

And vice versa, as we live in an extremely complex environment, with overload of information and pressure to move fast, the urgency to improve team meetings efficiency is ever demanding. There are two key factors that make it difficult to manage complexity and overload meetings: Answers that destroy focus and Questions that lack focus. This session brings skills into how to ask precise questions and how to give precise answers.

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